Monday, July 1, 2013

List Entry - Common Core Reading Questions

One of the main standards for Common Core Reading is showing evidence. This is something that some students struggle with. They do not know how to answer a question showing evidence. Here is a list of sentence starters that show textual evidence:

  1. On page ________, it said... - This is a clear textual evidence sentence starter, and is probably the one that most students would refer to. It shows that they took something from the text and used that to answer the question.
  2. The author wrote... - Similar to number one, this sentence starter again shares what the author actually said. It doesn't change the idea but demonstrates that it was something found from the text.
  3. The graphic showed... - Often times there are images, diagrams, charts, etc. that provide information within a given text. This sentence starter helps students take the information from that graphic and use it as evidence to answer the question.
  4. An example is... - Some questions may ask for examples, or perhaps the student needs to provide an example to support a statement. By having this sentence starter, students can look for examples from the text and finish the sentence.
  5. In the text, it said... - This one is also similar to the first two but is a slight variation.
  6. I know because... - The student may know why something is the case, but often times it is because the text told them and not because they already knew it. This prompt tells them they need to find some sort of evidence for why they know the answer to the question.
It might be useful to have these posted in your classroom so students can easily see it. This idea is not my own but was shared on Pinterest from Here is a link to the pin and Pinterest: Common Core Textual Evidence

1 comment:

  1. Nathan, this is a great list and a really good reminder for students as well. Your idea to have it posted in the room is fantastic. This skill can be difficult for students, so having a few sentence starters is a very helpful tool. Thanks for sharing!
